Dr. Kimberley Woods
BVSc, BSc, GCertCaptVertMgt, MAnimSc
Kimberley started working with us as a full time GP vet in March 2021 after graduating Veterinary School at James Cook University in Townsville.
Prior to studying Veterinary Science, Kim completed a Bachelor of Science and Master of Animal Science at The University of Melbourne and a Graduate Certificate in Captive Vertebrate Management at Charles Sturt University.
Kim has special interests in general surgery and wildlife, and is currently studying to sit her membership exams in Small Animal Surgery.
In addition to her work with cats and dogs, Kim provides veterinary care to wild flying foxes through wildlife care organizations, and is passionate about their conservation.
Outside of work Kim enjoys painting, photography, scuba diving, playing classical guitar, and spending time with her family. She has four a gorgeous cats Enola, Paige (pictured), Maevi and Luca.