The most crucial time in a puppy’s life is between 4-16 weeks of age. What puppies learn during this time can influence and shape their behaviour well into adulthood. This time is crucial to teach basic skills, and expose your puppy to many different experiences, including interacting with other dogs and people, strange noises and environments, veterinary examinations and more. If puppies experience these things in a safe environment, they are less likely to be causes of stress or fear as they get older.
Our Puppy Preschool course runs for 5 weeks, where you and your puppy will learn basic skills, socialization, exposures to unusual sounds, situations and people, as well as discuss important aspects of health and home life relating to your puppy. The first week is an "Owner Only" information night, followed by 4 weeks of puppy fun!

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Pet Dental Month
Winter 2024
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